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The new look Eames Laurie Financial Services

18 Oct 2022

For the past 35 years, Eames Laurie has been at the forefront of the financial services industry.

Whether it’s protecting the people that you love, helping you to buy a new home or investing for the future, we’ve made a difference to the lives of hundreds of clients, helping them to build better and brighter futures, by empowering them to take action today. But we recognised that the way we looked and the way we sounded no longer reflect the high quality of service that you expect of us. It also didn’t reflect our passion for giving back to the community or sustainability either.

That’s why we’ve been working closely with GEL Studios to completely refresh the Eames Laurie brand, acknowledging our history in the financial services industry and evolving where we want to be in the years to come.

  • We’ve improved our website and simplified the navigation so you can find the information that you need much faster.
  • We’ve modernised the way we look with a new, high-end logo and luxurious colour palette.
  • We've removed the jargon so we communicate with you in ways you fully understand.
  • We’ve joined social media. Why not follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook
  • We’ll be issuing quarterly newsletters and publishing regular blogs on our website so you can access the latest updates, information and advice whenever you need it.

What isn’t changing?

Your priorities are still our priorities. That will never change. You’ll continue to meet with us regularly, face-to-face when possible, and continue to have access to all of the financial information that you need.

We might look and sound different but we're still the same team who:

  • Will listen to you and make advice easy to understand.
  • Can be trusted to do what we say we’re going to do.
  • Understand and strive to deliver great service and advice, because we care.
  • Won’t sugarcoat the truth or shy away from having challenging conversations.

Managing Partner, Paul Fell said: 

"At Eames Laurie, we are committed to continually developing our business to enhance the experience for our existing clients and welcome new clients too.

"Since day one, the whole team has helped to shape the next phase of our journey, and we can't wait to see what the next twelve months have in store for us".

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